Wednesday, 27 August 2008

The Peter Saville Sportswear...

I recieved a pair of trainers today and theyre a few years old but thankfully are only going to be worn by me in their lifetime! The reason I'm putting them on here is because they've been designed by Peter Saville.

He recieved the brief and of course, thinking differently and thinking simply, Peter Saville went back to basics and got rid of all the adidas branding and added some quirky, intriguing comments on the laces. With the trainers they gave you 5 different pairs of laces and the brief that Saville had to work from.

Here he is talking about them. (He mentions his friend Malcolm Garett in the video, he was our external examiner on our degree!)

3 comments: said...

they must have cost you about 90 quid on ebay?!

Rachel said...

Thankfully they were a present, I don't know how much they cost! One of the best presents I've ever had!

Anonymous said...

i too have a pair. welcome to the club. i think it should be called the savilledas society. or maybe not.