Some fantastic help from ckny, has enabled us to find a perfect line for our Tetleys ad, Thankyou its a fantastic line and will really improve this piece of work.
Pour it all out. Tetleys
When loose internet threads find each other
3 years ago
this is the same strategy as 'let it out' as someone mentioned.
adding a punny endline (tea...pour...geddit? does not make it a different strategy.
and even if 'let it out' strategy did not exist it still would not be original or different for a tea brand to say this.
and even if you go with this strategy i don't think 80 words of long copy appearing from a cup of tea everytime is going to excite many people.
if you're going to do tea you need to find a new, exciting angle.
the monkey and al and pg tips chimps don't exist because creatives failed to realise that people talk over a cup of tea. they exist because talking over a cup of tea is obvious and not saying much (not saying that characters are the way to go though - or any more pertinent).
It's not our strategy, its just an endline, our ambient and other media based work usually turns out much better than our print campaigns.
thanks for your opinion and we are always trying to improve our work and our strategies.
We take all these points and try to improve, and we really appreciate your imput.
But your endline should reflect your strategy. Otherwise how does anyone know what your strategy is if your endline is not saying it???
I think whilst pour it all out is better than before, Honest John is spot on, it's not new or an interesting strategy that anyone would be jealous of.
You've probably heard this a million times before but you have to offer the agency something they don't have, this is not showing that. Have fun doing your student book.....leave the dull, safe campaigns like this. Most of the work on the blogs I've seen is dull and safe. Stand out and you'll do much better.
Challenge the conventions of tea drinking -
Find the convention - over turn it and develope a strategy -
Think how Persil did that by making dirt good - it was not about cleaning but dirt - a great example of over-turning a convention.
does anyone want to write us an endline when they've got a minute? also, where's 10,000 hits come from, it only says 950 on your profile..?
Lol thats the profile views, 10,000 have come straight to the page via the address and 950 via the profile.
How do you know how many hits the blog has had directly? I'd try to work it out, but I'm sure I'd fail lol.
You're welcome! :D
'Pour it out' is a big cliche... but you seem fond of them
it is a cliche and 'have a seat, have a cuppa' is much better cliché.
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