Monday 17 March 2008

The idea and the execution...

Ok so Laura and Joe, these two were so down to earth, and joe can definately talk... I found this team to be one of the most helpful of the week, so much information and clarification it opened our eyes to what we should be doing and in a way we understood. Our book had a problem, it needed too much explantation, it needs to speak for itself and thats how it should be if it falls into the hands of a creative director.

  • They weren't too sure about our Samaritans work... they liked it but only saw it as a beginning point, it needs development. maybe some more emotion going into it. Also what else could we do with it it could go futher, phone boxes, ambient and what age range are we aiming towards?

  • They gave us a good analogy to think about. If a guy is in the pub, a drink in each hand and a packet of crisps in his mouth could our work make him stop and think?

  • Nandos they dont really get but love the brief, delve deeper they said, so deep we will have to go... Think chickens not peri-peri.

  • The TV needs to go to three frames, we babble on too much (but we knew that already) And maybe we should do less tv, we did have a lot in our book.


  • Every brief has got to have an underlying idea, a line, a concept, a theory that everything in that campaign works from. Joe drummed this into us we now know exactly what the difference is between the concept and the execution. Ta joe.

  • They dont like the cadburys ads but they do like the line 'Peace and Cadburys' something to work on.... They thought our executions were good but they need to be part of a concept.

  • Our book doesnt have to be perfect, it has to be seen quickly (CD's dont have much time to look at lots of books) and we have to stop being so bloody precious about our work!

So after our brains were beginning to overload with info we went home happy with a card from Jamie and Richard as they were still working hard. I like convent garden, very nice. Great cake shop which we shall be visiting next time.... (Debbie was on lent and wouldn't let me anywhere near the cakes :(. )

1 comment:

pisspoorenglish said...

Alright, chanced upon your blog from CMM.

Moving from Manc to London in search of the work? I'm looking in Manchester...

Anyway, the blog's a nice read...lets see some work then ;)